
How to fly any multirotor drone

How to fly any multirotor drone

This guide will show you everything you need to know about how to fly a quadcopter. These tutorials will also apply to steal any other multirotor. After reading this page, be sure to check the flight lessons.

The controls

Here is an example of all the commands to drive a quadcopter and the operation of each command.

  • Roller tilts the left and right quadcopter by accelerating the rotors on one side and slowing them on the other.
  • Not tilt the quadcopter back and forth in the same way as roller does.
  • Yaw rotates the quadcopter by accelerating all spinning rotors in the direction and deceleration of all spinning rotors in the opposite direction.
  • Controls the throttle and the axis downwards by varying the overall rotor speed.

These controls also have other names, for example: Roller = ailerons, height = lift and yaw = rudder.


There are generally 3 main stabilization modes for a quadcopter.

  1. Note, also known as manual, hard or Acro.
  2. Attitude (not to be confused with altitude), also known as auto level or automatic level.
  3. GPS-blocker, also known as Loiter.

In video tutorials, I'll teach you how to fly in manual mode, it's the hardest to learn, but the most fun.

Before you leave

When learning to fly a quadcopter, these are the things you need to do if you want to have the best experience while flying safely.

  • Go to a park or big grass field.
  • Fly in the morning to reduce the chance of flying in the wind
  • Do not fly with distractions
  • Stay away from people and animals
  • Take your time, don't go too far past your limits.

Video and written tutorials:

These are the "how to Steal a Quadcopter" actual videos I was talking about.


How to Fly a Drone (& NOT Crash) 

How to fly any multirotor drone